" bob the rooster" , 12 x 14 ,pastel, 2021, sold
"back from the moon ", 24 x 28, oil pastel, 2016 , sold
" chicken society" , pencil ,9 x 12 , 1984, sold
"cows fly" ,pastel / watercolor, 16 x 20 , 2015 sold
" flight" , pastel, 5.5 x 20 ,2023
" sunnyday chickens" ,pastel , 12 x 16 ,2020, sold
" alyissa and ren ", pastel , 10 x 12 , 2023, sold
" fisherman dreams ", pastel ,18 x 24 ,2023
" red and blue ( chickens ), " ink / watercolor, 12 x 16 ,1986, sold
" allie girl ", pastel, 9 x 11 ,2020 , sold
" pasture meeting ", ( copy ), pastel ,16 x 20 , 2022, sold
"horses in flight ", pastel, 20 x 28, 2022,
" the green cow ", # 4 , pastel, 20 x 25 , 2005, sold
" curious cow's ", pastel / watercolor , 16 x 16 ,2002, sold
" cows # 3 " , pastel ,20 x 25 ,2004, sold.
" cows # 2 " pastel , 20 x 25, 2004, sold ,
" sunny day chickens " ,pastel , 12 x 16 , 2020, sold
" poco and sam ", oil on paper, 16 x 16 ,1984, sold
" schrodingers cat " , pastel , 15 x 18 ,2021 , sold
" dawn suprise " pastel , 16 x 20 , 2020, sold
" foghorn leghorn + family", 28 x 40 , 2020 , sold
"bob" pastel, 10 x 20 inches, sold, 2023
" loose the hounds", pastel, 16 x 20, 2023
" bob's favorite chair" 14 dia. pastel 2023
" bob's seat", pastel/watercolor, 10 x 12 , sold, 2024
" no title " , charcoal, 16 x 20, 19 ?, sold
" new day chicken", acrylic paint stick, 9 x 12, 2024
" the cows", 20 x 25 , pastel , 2004, sold
" happy bob", 9 x 12, mixed, 2024
" chicken bird ", 16 x 20 ,acrylic, 2024